After a long period of preparation and anticipation, we participated in TechTogether+ on 06.10.2023, where, as in previous years, we have managed to reach the podium.

TechTogether is an automotive industry conference and exhibition where several companies are represented. We had the opportunity to consult with them, exchange ideas and get to know each other. There were also several Formula Student teams competing with us, as well as teams of engineering students from other categories, with whom we were able to compete in the events organised by the companies.
Our team was divided into small groups of 4-5 people and competed in 15 events. We have finished the event in 3rd place overall. We also won a special prize in the Kontron competition, where we had to model different car parts and simulate their operation.
In the following, our teammate Boldizsár Kopasz will tell us a little bit about how they prepared for the competition and what was the secret of winning the special prize:
- What tasks did you receive from Kontron?
We received 5 separate tasks.
The first task was to recreate the nose of a Formula Student car from a side view and a top view picture. The difficulty of the task was to determine the size, height, flatness, and chamfer of the nose cone from the pictures. In addition, if the element designed from the reverse engineered data was actually produced, it would have to fit the nose of a Formula Student car, which was a difficult challenge based on two images and required a lot of precision.
Our second task was to model a front wing mounting plate component, based on a STEP file. The difficulty in this was that we had to work with a plate, which requires attention to bending, unlike the plain part modelling.
The third was a task very much related to the first. We had to apply the team logo to the nose cone modelled back there, and a pattern to the tire of a car and make them photo-realistic by coloring them. We were given the textures to do this, so we were able to easily get things done using our modelling software.

And our fourth task was to create a photo-realistic image of the whole car, very similar to the previous one.
Finally, we had to do a brake disc simulation and present it to the jury. To do this, we had to set up a number of criterias that might be important for such a component and then choose the material accordingly. These included good thermal conductivity, load capacity and cost. Our sponsor PNH helped us a lot in this task. They were a crucial point in our solution because we could build around them in terms of material selection. The braking system of our car on the track was also individually designed, including the brake disc. So, we were no strangers to the challenge and were very grateful to PNH for cutting the brake disc for us.
- How did you divide the tasks?
We tried to divide the tasks equally between the five of us. Obviously while everyone was doing their own thing, we tried to help each other to get the best possible result, which we did.
- Which part do you think the jury liked best?

The most challenging, I think, was the last task, which the team did very well on. The simulation part of the task was quite serious and time-consuming from an engineering point of view. But the time and effort put in paid off as we managed to win this event.
- How much do you think the experience you gained while designing and building our own car helped you to win?
A lot. Apart from the back modelling, all the tasks were something we had already encountered when building the car. I'm thinking, for example, of the placement of the sponsor stickers on the car or the brake disc simulation. We use a lot of sheet metal bending parts and tools as well. So, it was absolutely useful to have these experiences.
- What do you feel has been the biggest challenge?
Everyone had their own challenges within their own sub-task, but probably the most difficult for me was the presentation. I tried to transfer the knowledge that the team had acquired and put into practice to the judges as accurately as possible, which fortunately I was able to do.
All in all, it was a TechTogether+ rich in results and experiences for the team, after which we will get back to the design of our 2024 car in full swing, using the prizes won there.